Yesterday, May 1oth 2007 at 17:55 GMT, I saw a bolid over Majadahonda while I was driving to home. From the coordinates (40.4488N, 3.86732W), it appeared approx. to the SSE at a height of approx. 20 deg going to the west with a path inclination of -30 deg. Despite the daylight, it was very bright (magnitude -10?) at least during 3 seconds. During the drag its colour was clearly green and it was disrupting into small pieces. Consequently, after the friction the bolid left an irregular white smoke trail of 5-10 degrees lenght. The trail expanded and diffussed in 10-15 minutes. It was very similar to the bolid that passed over Spain during January, 4th 2004 shown in the following picture taken from the web of the Spanish Photographic Meteor Network.