Monday, 12 March 2012

2012-03-14: Venus Jupiter conjunction - The Planetary Party I

Venus and Jupiter which can currently be seen in the evening sky shortly after sunset, will be in conjunction (less than 3.5 deg apparent separation) this week.

Additionally, Mercury should be visible just after sunset too, at least through a well aligned telescope, and Mars and Saturn become visible later during the night.

Therefore some members of the ESAC Astronomy Club will setup their telescopes close to the SMOS antenna (building M) on Wednesday 2012-03-14 evening.

Whoever working at ESAC and interested in looking through a telescope is welcome to join us.

Preliminary agenda:

19:00 Mercury
19:30 Venus & Jupiter
21:00 Double Cluster & Pleiades & M42 Orion Nebula
22:00 Mars & M41 Open Cluster & M47 Open Cluster
23:30 Saturn